Hang on!

In anticipation of a perdurable glee,
by the virtue of patience, we hang on,
The light of joy is meant for us to see,
hoping for a brighter dawn, we hang on.
With miseries knocking now and then,
craving for relief, we hang on,
Agitations would confine to their den,
With an optimal belief, we hang on.

Tears being a companion throughout,
to turn them into joyful sobs, we hang on,
For riddance from every brutal clout,
with limited props, we hang on.
Becoming habitual of making compromises,
Expecting for the surplus, we hang on,
Seeking freedom from the swarming vices,
To shove away the fuss, we hang on.
With possibilities being shattered mercilessly,
In search of an opportunity we hang on,
There would be a phase free from upheaval,
With a sense of expectancy, we hang on!
May the traces of optimism guide us to heights,
With a resolve to never stop, we hang on,
Our wait has been longer than the trek itself,
limping towards the top, we hang on!
