Too predictable are we.

Have you ever been outsmarted? Have you ever been tricked by someone? Have you ever regretted an action just after committing it? Assuming everyone out here to be genuine enough, i believe most of the times, answer to these questions would be 'Yes'.

There was an elephant tamed to perform in a circus. After his performance, his master used to tie him with a feeble chain. Once someone curiously asked the master that you tie him so soflty, then why is that the mightiest mammal on the planet still cannot escape and surprisingly why is that he does't even give it a try? The master amusingly replied, "Since his birth we have been using the same chain to tie him. When he was a new-born, he didn't have the strength and the brain to let itself free. Eventually when he grew up, he grew up with the same mindset that he cannot set himself free. He believes that the chain is meant for him only, and even the thought to free himself, doesn't strikes his mind." This is what is called as a pre-conditioned mindset. 

We not often, rather always believe that we hold the supreme control and our decisions are the best-fitting. A minor failure and then a sound recovery from that, makes us feel like the conqueror. We assume that our beliefs and our experiences based on them, have made us impeccable and unquestionable. When someone chips in with a new view-point, we at once, resort to revolt. We never miss even a single chance to get sarcastic. Most of the times, we condemn the actions of our acquaintances calling them immature and un-intellectual, and then if someone does the same with us, we feel like tormenting them with our words. Isn't it the case with each one of us? 

'Stereotyped' my friend is the right adjective to suit us. We have lived our lives in such a way that always our own thoughts and our own desires have governed us. Little or never did we let others to have an impact on us. We have never given ourselves an exposure to the changing scenes, considering it to be too childish or too stupid. Whenever someone is doing anything new, instead of encouraging them to go ahead, we have reprimanded that individual and their ideas. Why haven't we allowed them to believe in the 'culture of execute', rather than forcing them to believe in the 'culture of excuse'. Why haven't we? Just because of our mind being pre-occupied with negations and fear, coming from the sources best known to us. We at once, need to set our minds free from every such thought so that new ideas can by default be infused by a source, this time not known to us! Every succesful idea is a stupid thought at first and an inspirational story in the end. We know this, we know all of it, but still that fear of going against the stream, that fear of how will our environment react to our steps! But we need to note that all the bold steps that we take are impressioned footprints that we make!

Its abolsutely true that experience is the best teacher, but its a food for thought that experience is not the only teacher. One who considers learning from experience is definitely someone worth appreciating, but then often he has to wait for long to learn and then implement. In the meantime, others may move way ahead. The best way to stay head-to-head with others in this competitive era is to learn from everything and everyone that comes in our way, to accept every change in accordance with time, to allow every rooted theory to be subjected to improvement and to stay creative, cheerful and compassionate, all at the same time. 

Imbibe, impress and go on to inspire.

Thank You. 


  1. Nice one sir...I read a story somewhere about a frog which when thrown into boiling water jumps out and survive but on the other hand when the same frog is kept in cold water and the temperature is raised slowly it keeps on adapting to the temperature until it dies...
    I believe we must be careful about the impact of what we learn in future

    1. Thanka Bharat. Break all the pre-defined shackles and just rise and shine. Cheers.


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